My Favorite Zucchini… Zucchini a Scapece!

I admit it. I’m not a good Italian. I am not a huge fan of Zucchini… most of the time. The normal ways to cook it. it comes out mushy and bland. The texture doesn’t work for me. I hope the Italian Food gods can find it in their hearts to forgive me for this blasphemy, but… it’s true.

There are a few ways I like it, though. Breaded and fried, or in zucchini bread, and… “a Scapece” (also known as “alla Scapece”). What is that you ask? It’s a cold antipasti/salad. Usually eaten the day after it’s made. It’s salted, somewhat dried, and fried zucchini bathed in garlic, vinegar, mint, and a little black pepper. It’s absolutely delicious!

Here’s what you’ll need…

  • Two large zucchini
  • 6 cloves of garlic, minced (less if you want less, more if you want more)
  • Half cup of red wine vinegar (you can use white wine vinegar if you prefer)
  • Kosher salt or course sea salt
  • Freshly cracked black pepper
  • Oil for frying (I used grape seed, but whatever you have)
  • 3 Tbsp EVOO for the vinegar bath
  • A few sprigs of mint, two big basil leaves, and a sprig of fresh oregano (All can be dry seasoning too, if that’s all you have).
  • A couple of cooling racks to place the sliced zucchini on

Wash the zucchini fruits, then slice them to about 1/8-1/4 of an inch.

Place some paper towels down under your racks and put the sliced fruits on them. Sprinkle the salt over them liberally to help draw out some of their moisture. I let them sit for an hour or more, then flip over and salt the other side.

As the zucchini are losing their moisture, mince the garlic, rough chop the herbs, and combine with the vinegar and EVOO to marinade and meld their flavors.

After a few hours, pat the zucchini slices dry and heat the oil up to about 350 F (177 C). Fry in small batches until they’re all medium brown on both sides. Remove from oil and drain back on those racks.

Lay the slices down in a container deep enough to hold them and the marinade. I used a medium sauce pot. Put them down in layers and drizzle some of the marinade over them in between the layers. Once they all have marinade on them, put them in the fridge overnight. You can chop up some more mint and sprinkle over them as you serve them mostly cold the next day.

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